352 – Ghosts (Second half)


I don’t guarantee a 100% perfect translation. Feel free to correct me in the comments. I know my chapters are not the best out there, but im really doing my best here. Each one takes a little over 4 hours, and the more effort i put on them, the longer each one would take, so please have that in mind.


Finally the end of the church chapters, i dont think i’ll TL a chapter today, this one i had it from yesterday since today is a busy day for me, just came back home to post the chapter, and im leaving again in a few moments.

I hope you enjoy it. And look forward to more Roland tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support.



Originally…   this is what happened!

Mayne stared at the illusion, shocked.

The transformation ritual for the God Punishment Army was created by witches. In order to defeat the Devils, they were willing to sacrifice their own kind…   How many people will stand up and admonish her for such ruthlessness?

The final result was beyond his expectation, and even after some minutes passed, nobody stood up; even the witch who questioned the ceremony, had not openly objected to Akaris’ words, she just gritted her teeth and smashed her hand on the table. “It’s really ironic! Killing witches in order to save more witches, is there a more ridiculous thing!?”

“But she is right,” said an old witch, “we are born from mortals, and if mankind is destroyed, the witches will also perish.”

“Conversely, no matter how many witches are sacrificed in the transformation ritual, there will always be new witches to replace them. More mortals, more witches.” Elaine shrugged.

“Will the God Punishment Army be able to defeat the Devils?” Someone asked.

“That, I don’t know,” Akaris spoke once again, “No one knows the answer before trying. The failure of the past two Wars of Divine Will have already showed us many problems. The power of the Devils is far greater than ours, and the red mist is the only restriction they have, keeping them from moving further, meaning that even if we create a large number of God Punishment Warriors, we might not even taste the final victory.” She paused. “But you should know my methods.”

“Even if there is only a small possibility, we must do everything we can.” Elaine said with a smile.

“I’m willing to follow you.”

“For the preservation of the witches.”

“I don’t want to admit defeat after all this.”

The witches stood up and saluted the Witch Queen.

The witch who raised the objections finally stood up and said, “I hope you are right.”

“Then, it is decided.” Akaris nodded not surprised by this result, “Now then, go and persuade the other members of the Federation.”

“They may not listen to you,” said the older witch, “if you want to carry the ritual of the God Punishment Army without resistance, witches cannot be privileged, the Federation must dissolve, and everything that has happened in the past has to be completely buried.”

“I will spare no efforts trying to convince them.” Akaris said firmly, “If they cannot accept it, then the City of the Falling Star will push forward with the plan alone, and we will create a new order.”

Afterward the picture vanished…   The darkness swallowed up everything again, and when the light in the secret chamber returned to normal, Mayne found his back soaked wet with sweat, and his mind felt dizzy.

“You seem a little tired, do you need me to help support you to the exit?” Zero came up and asked.

“I don’t need it, just go and open the door quickly!” He was breathing heavily.

After the metal door opened, Mayne stumbled out of the illusion room. Covering his mouth as he arrived at the praying altar, he kneeled down in front of O’Brien.

“When the magic stone starts, it will automatically map your mind, so it’s normal to feel unwell,” the Pope spoke in a soft voice, “The first time I came to that room I was the same as you, I was only able to recover after I got some rest.”

“Why doesn’t it affect me?” Zero hugged the Pope’s arm and asked.

“Because you are a witch, your body has already adapted because of magic,” O’Brien gave a gentle smile, “whether is endurance or resistance, witches generally have more than most humans.”

After a while, Mayne regained his normal breathing. “Is this…   the origin of the Church?”

“Yes, Akaris later led the City of the Fallen Star against the witches of two other cities in combat, and finally achieved victory, developing a new rule where witches were no longer privileged individuals chosen by god, but instead people lured and tempted by the Devil. That war lasted for nearly a century and was called the War of Faith in the history books.”

“Did she live that long?”

The Pope shook his head. “Shortly after the establishment of the Church, Akaris died, along with another Transcendent. The second Pope inherited her will, and continued to command the army to fight, until they subdued the other two factions, but this war severely damaged the three cities, making them almost unable to maintain a ruling system. Those who did not want to participate in the war of the witches began to take root in this narrow patch of land, leading the locals in their construction, and gradually forming the Four Great Kingdoms of today.”

For some reason, the more O’Brien spoke, the more energetic he became, and his voice more coherent, no longer having the weak feeling from before.

“Although the Church repeatedly swept those remnants, including the humans not belonging to the City of the Falling Star, a secular pattern had already formed, causing the Church faith to become weak, therefore, failing to unify the mainland. All of this just because the Witch Queen died too early.”

“Natalia, who was regarded as her friend, not only did not accept her plan, but also suddenly attacked Akaris at the meeting, this was recorded in the complete Holy Scriptures.” The Pope let out a sigh. “If she were alive, the War of Faith would have ended in 50 years, after all of the witches had been taken in, allowing the Church to unify the mainland. Nobody would have thought this incident would drag us down even to the present.”

Mayne wiped off the sweat from his forehead, “Your Excellency, I still find something unclear, why were the first Popes witches, but all the other people after them were ordinary people?”

“Zero, you go back first.” O’Brien said after a moment of silence.


After the Purified was gone, he slowly opened his mouth, “Because of cowardice and fearfulness.”

“What…?” He was startled, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

“No, child, you misunderstand.” O’Brien appeared to have seen through his thoughts with shining eyes, as if returning to a younger appearance. “In order to defeat the Devils, to regain the past glory of the witches, Akaris stipulated that the role of Pope must be held by an Exceed. But Exceed witches were very scarce, so later, outstanding ordinary witches served as the Pope, however, cowardice and fearfulness are like a serpent around your neck, once it grabs you, you can’t shake it off. The human Archbishop feared that someday, the oppressed witches would retaliate and directly usurped the position of Pope.”

Mayne stared with his eyes wide open, “So then, the later Popes were…”

“Yes, we are all cowards who stole the fruits of the witches’ sacrifice,” the Pope continued, “the Church will bury this secret, no matter what the future might bring.” He paused. “As for the truth of the War of Divine Will, it’s all recorded in the Cardinal Secret Temple, and now it’s to be shouldered all by you, as you move forward. Even if you decide to give up…   that’s also a wise choice.”

After saying all this, his body suddenly relaxed, like a heavy burden had finally been lifted, as he let his body lie in the cart.

Give up? If I give up, who else would take over this seat? But Mayne didn’t have time to think about that, he found the condition of O’Brien deteriorating rapidly all of the sudden, as if his spirit was briefly growing dim, like when one was about to die, and looking at his eyes, the light in them was vanishing making them murky.

“Your Excellency, Your Excellency O’Brien!” Mayne moved forward and shook the opposite party anxiously, but he just had an empty look in his eyes, with his lips slowly opening and closing, as if trying to say something.

At the last moment, Mayne seemed to have heard the other side whispering.

“Child, I’m sorry.”




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86 thoughts on “352 – Ghosts (Second half)

  1. Wow so reason behind church and witch hunting wasn’t entirely fear of witch rebellion it was for greater good (greater good in novels rarely make sense but this time before Roland playing civilization appeared it wasn’t as bad choice as I expected).I wonder how will church react when they see advanced technology capable of destroying devils even in mortal hands.


    1. The most logical move from the Church should be kill Roland, doesn’t matter if his methods are correct or better. The Church sacrificed way too much to allow someone else make them lose face.


      1. Wouldn’t call that the most “logical” choice. If the church were to act purely on logic it wouldn’t try to save face at the cost of having a much better chance of winning, it would seek to form an alliance with Roland. It is however the most likely choice since as we know people often have a very hard time putting aside their pride and self interest in this sort of circumstances. They will likely find a twisted reasoning to convince themselves that killing Roland is the logical choice even if objectively speaking it isn’t.


        1. The Church could possibly pursue the idea of continuing their plan, while trying to kill him and steal all his technology. Then have Rolands tech and weapons with a gods punishment army


        2. To be perfectly fair, plot-wise, the Church teaming up with Roland would basically end the story. The only remaining challenge that Roland has left, apart from the Devils, is the Church, since Roland’s only other obstacle is Timothy, the guy who’s so desperate for soldiers that he has to forcibly conscript the locals with drugs to make them fight for him, drugs that come from the Church anyway. I’m sure Mayne will become Pope, hear about the free witches in Roland’s kingdom, get freaked out, and think that the Federation’s back to subjugate humans.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Btw I don’t remember was concept of “face” used in rtw before ? I don’t think so and it’s strange phenomenon compared to other Chinese novels XD


          1. Which is good, I can’t understand all the other Chinese novels where people keep killing and doing illogical things because otherwise “would lose face”. Be more realistic and concern less about one’s huge ego. If the ancient witches were concerned about “losing face” they would not condemn their own kind and we wouldn’t have the novel would we?


      2. They haven’t known about Roland’s potential yet, and by the time they do, it would be Roland’s turn to do the wiping.


      3. the church is going to cough up blood once they see roland rolling on these deamons with tanks and shit


    2. Unfortunatelly hell is full of good intentions, it could have gone well but it seems Askaris was really lacking in the leadership department, as far as i saw she was a good warrior and commander but not a very good leader, in the end her choices ended up weakening the whole Federations and fragmenting the continent, after all she was betrayed by her friend because of her path. They had to destroy the other factions but in the end ended only as a single weakened group.


    3. Indeed, while the idea was ruthless and the plan went terribly wrong, their goal was… “noble ?” if we can call it like that. ‘Stop at nothing for the greater good and a better end’ or something like that.

      But sadly it went wrong, I believe that during these 400 years, most of the witch who got killed/tortured/raped/burned alive etc… wasn’t done in order to create god’s punishment army.
      They said a witch can create between 1-2 god’s soldiers with a failure sometimes. But in 400 years they only managed to create around 1000 soldiers while my conservatives estimates is that the number of witch killed is in the tens of thousands.
      They lost their main goal and were more focused on rulling what was left of the human race, btw the “unification of mainland” plan was also started 400 years too late when they could have done it way earlier.


  2. Wow…. that was f*cked up… and here i was like condemning the church left and right just to know they were doing sh*t for the greater good as far as the novels go…

    Thanks for the chap btw


    1. A solution that sacrifices too much is not really a solution. If to stay alive a patient needs to lose 80% of its body and remain in bed for the rest of its live, such solution would be worth?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s not really a good analogy, since the said patient would not be able to grow himself a new body, but the human race would be able to recover and build anew into a bigger civilisation than what it currently is given time and a lack of a major predator (the devils/demon beasts)


        1. The better analogy will be, if you must kill your parents/childs to save your family,, would you do it?
          I’d rather died together with my family than sacrificed them…


          1. The alternative being you all die together… For you, yes you would rather die with them but if you look at it from your parent’s point of view they would probably much rather have you survive even at the cost of their lives. That is of course assuming there is no chance of any other possibility.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Well if i have to sacrificed myself to save my parents life, i’d be gladly to sacrificed myself. But the Church is different, they aren’t sacrificed “themself”, they sacrificed the “others”. so in this case i believe the witches who ve died from the ritual aren’t doing it willingly like those “parents”


        2. I think it fits. Witches are not going to be born forever. Witches cannot bear children, and they will eventually die like any other human, people who bear children are normal humans, and by each generation being born the risk of the Witch genome being lost increases a bit meaning that Witches will be born in less numbers and probably in the next hundreds of years they would be even more difficult to find.

          The question is what is going to happen first? Devils’ defeat or Witches extinction. Seeing this secret war has been ongoing for almost 1000 years and right now it doesn’t seem the Church has the upper hand regardless of all the sacrifices they have made, it is clear that even if the Devils somehow don’t attack in the next five hundred years or even one thousand years, Witches aren’t going to exist and then the Human race would be the next to fall.


          1. Well according to the witches, witches will continue to be born as long as there are humans. So maybe there isn’t a genome that is hereditary in any fashion, but rather a mutation that happens regularly because of circumstances unique to this world.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. It might be a recessive genome on the X chromosome that all humans in this world carry. The Mitochondrial Eve of this world was a witch (having both the recessive genes in both her X chromosomes).
            Now, no matter whether witches can reproduce or not, they will never go extinct, since there genetic makeup is carried by all humanity.
            Also, this leads to the next logical conclusion that witches once were fertile. Whether there was a technique that allowed them to get pregnant or if it was another recessive gene that has been lost is unknown.
            Though, logically, it should be a special technique rather than a gene (since Mitochondrial Eve would have to have it, thus by same logic, so should some witches).
            Most probably, it was a special magic stone which allowed witches to have children.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. In the start of this Roland gave good theory in my opinion: the witches are a mutant form of humans that because of the genetic make-up required to use magic was unable to interbreed with regular humans. That would explain why witches are unable to procreate and yet survive genetically on a mutant gene.


  3. so at least they are aware about the fact that they let down witches sacrifice just to satisfy their own greed for power….and it seems that old pop already knew that ending of the church is approaching….

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The same witches that treated humans as inferior “mortals” No one would ever want to be regarded as inferior for long it was inevitable that the human church members would take over to avoid the witches being superior aand condescending towardd them


      1. Dude, the system of witch superiority was wiped out by the founding members of the Church, they weren’t suppressed people who revolted they were cowards afraid of an uprising. Don’t defend them.


  4. Moral: Give humans an inch, they will take a yard. One witch sacrifices for the better of mankind, church will literally try to burn them all.

    Will Mayne be a reasonable pope who tries to unf*ck what church did in last few hundred years?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, just to be clear the witches are not really sacrificing themselves for the better of mankind, but rather for the better of “witchkind”. It’s just that saving humanity is a prerequisite to saving witches since they are a subgroup that is unable to propagate on its own.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Even if he wanted to, Mayne can’t unf*ck what the church has done. He needs more God’s Punishment Army soldiers to fight and defeat the Devils (since there are no witches who can fight in the open).
      If he is reasonable, he is going to be the most ruthless Pope ever. He has to be.


    3. Lol that moment when you realize the witches were the ones that started hunting their own kind.
      I dont understand why everyone seems to forget that for every god punishment soldier its not only a witch that is a sacrificed but a devout believer of the church Does the same voluntarily .
      You seem pretty hypocritical when you claim that the humans survived thanks to the founding witches “selfless” sacrifice when it was just a method of extending their kind by giving humans a better chance to live and breed to get More witches. I honestly dont understand this “Witches are saints ,church is the incarnation of evil” mindset that many readers and characters have when the witches were the ones to start the church , they were the fucking ones that started the descrimination against their own Kind and while sacrificing both humans and witches for their desire to extend their kind.
      And you seemed to forget that the witch didnt sacrifice for the sake if mankind But she did for the sake of her own with no regards of the “inferior mortals”


      1. So it’s bad to look out for your own. You are actually implying that because they actually acknowledge the fact that they can only survive if normal humans do that they are somehow selfish? If they were the selfish hypocrites you described them as then the church wouldn’t have been created in the first place. They’d have just sent the mortals as cannon fodder against the Devils while running away. And no it wasn’t the witches who started the discrimination, in fact, they ended it when they changed the superiority of witches so that the plan of GPA worked it was the human usurper that changed it so that witches were seen as evil and hunted down. They weren’t perfect they ere a lot better than the human scum that murdered the witches and continues to slaughter them because of cowardice. So yeah, witches aren’t saintesses but they were willing to sacrifice their rule and themselves so that they could ALL survive because in case you didn’t realise the witches didn’t hunt down, rape, enslave, brainwash or vilify normal people when they were in power. But the Church did all of those things and worse to the witches, so yeah the Church is evil.


    4. That would be almost impossible if he becomes Pope and immediately changes the law to hunt witches then it’s almost guaranteed that a revolution will happen. If he plays the long game then he’ll probably die before his goals are reached and eventually be reset by other Popes who don’t care. Don’t make Roland make you think that it’s easy he’s in a town without a single church and Mayne’s at the core of a fanatical organisation whose the cause of this slaughter in the first place.


  5. now we already know why church hunt for witch.
    everyone has their own justice and different method to reach their justice…. even sacrifice….

    i wanna see what their face will make when they see our prince kill bunch of go***mn devil with HE Artillery shell without sacrifice anyone.


    1. *spoiler* Roland hinted about the possibility of a tactical nuke in later chapters. The dude’s advance in technology is goddamn crazy. The devils might be begging for HE Artillery by the end of the day.


  6. So will Zero kill the new Pope and devour him and become the Pope herself, disguising as him?

    Will the new Pope swear fealty to Roland?

    Will the new Pope appoint Anna the Fire Witch the new Pope?

    Will the new Pope be assassinated before he can do anything by an angry subordinate, the other living Archbishop?


  7. This Akaris is really dumb. Did she really think that the humans making up the most of the power structure of the church will just sit back and give control back to the witches after the Devils are defeated (IF the devils are defeated) so the witches can oppress them again (including possible retaliation). All she did is incite internal strife which destroyed most of the Federation’s remaining strength making the possibility of a devil victory all but certain. Instead of spending 200-300 years on internal fighting that only consumed resources, time and powerful witches (including the 2 trancendents), they could’ve spent that time researching other possibilities together with “mortals.” Perhaps Akaris put safeguards in place but without transcendents I don’t see how witches would be able to take back control. Without Roland’s modern knowledge, the chances that the oppressed witches would be able evolve even once much less twice are almost zero. Did she really not see those 2 fatal weaknesses in her plan? Basically she just went mad…


    1. The two fatal points in Akaris’ plan were, in my opinion:
      1. She didn’t anticipate having to fight against Natalia, which led to both of their deaths. She was a friend so I guess she never expected her to oppose her.
      2. The lack of Exceeds to inherit the position of Pope. A combat Exceed would have never be overthrown from the seat of Pope, since God’s stones don’t work on them, but the moment an ordinary witch became the Pope, she turned into an easy target for humans.
      I think her plan was decent for the resources she had and times she lived in, but luck played an important part in shattering it.


      1. Considering how well the 2 knew each other, she should’ve understood that the chances of Natalia opposing her would be very high. When survival and the fate of witchkind is on the table, friendship means nothing. At the very least she knew that Natalia was going to be against this plan and for her plan to succeed Akaris couldn’t have any other witch organizations present where witches have freedom and status so a confrontation was inevitable. Perhaps she thought that she was much stronger than Natalia and would be able to defeat her but that’s quite a gamble. Based on what we have been shown in the meeting, they were aware that many of the witches would be against it and a war would be inevitable.

        As for Exceeds inheriting the position of pope. Considering the unlikelihood of a combat type Exceeds appearing and on top of that the unlikelihood that such an Exceed would go along with this plan and assume the responsibility and leadership, I’d say the chances of there not being a viable candidate at some point in time is almost 100%. And even with an Exceed in position of the pope, what can she do (even together with handful of secret witches serving the church) against the whole punishment army and humans fully equipped with God Punishment stones? A human revolution was inevitable without a transcendent supervisor (or even with one).

        In the end, after ingraining the human population with the idea that witches are devil minions and arming them with God Punishment stones and the “robot” God Punishment army, how was she planning on reversing the situation?! By making the truth known? Who is going to believe that? Which of the human leaders, even knowing the truth, would be willing to just turn over all the control back to the witches?

        The only possibility where this plan makes any sense at all from the witch’s standpoint is if there is a secret way for witches to take control of the God Punishment Army through magic, otherwise the plan was doomed to failure.


        1. Since I don’t want to risk spoilers and I don’t remember if it’s already been established, the god punishment army will never turn against the pope.
          So humans with god stones winning against a combat Exceed… not happening.


          1. Yeah but as I said before, hoping that a combat type Exceed is Pope several hundred of years down the line considering their rarity and the witch oppression is foolhardy to say the least. Also, zombie army aside, there are many ways to deal with a single individual (even if she is an exceed).


        2. Even after losing the war for a second time, they still had so many Exceeds that Akaris thought they would be able to take over for each other as Pope even after she died (Agatha confirms that there’s a lot of Exceeds in Chapter 344). After all, when they said they’d sacrifice witches, Akaris and the witches in her faction were going to sacrifice witches that weren’t strong enough to contribute to the war effort. Even if half of the witches died without producing soldiers, it would’ve quadrupled the number of soldiers available to them at any given time. If the rest of the Federation went along with this proposal, the witches would’ve continued to control things from behind the scenes, training combat witches when they appeared, sacrificing non-combat witches, etc. and would’ve been able to kill off the high ranked humans who went didn’t agree with the plan using the combat witches that weren’t sacrificed. If, and that’s if, they defeated the Devils, they would’ve been able to reform their old society using the non-human portion of the Church’s army and the superhumans from all the sacrifices (it’s already been mentioned they don’t think for themselves, even if they were genocidal before, they wouldn’t be after transforming). If some humans decide to try and kill the Pope, the stones wouldn’t work on the Pope, and any bodyguard witches would realize something was wrong quickly enough for them to escape and declare the humans heretics.

          They hadn’t anticipated that winning the civil war and defeating the other two factions would be so costly that they’d not only lose all of their Exceeds (from the other factions killing their Exceeds, or their faction killing the other factions’ Exceeds), so that no Exceeds would be left to take over at the end, but also lose so many combat witches that they wouldn’t be able to prevent a human coup. After all, Natalia, the second most powerful witch in the Federation and the only other Transcendent, was a friend (Akaris + Natalia’s cities vs the last city in a worst case scenario sounds a lot better than what actually happened, 1 vs 1 vs 1). Clearly, Akaris thought she knew her friend well enough that given the circumstances, Natalia, if not her entire city, would back her plan, even if she knew it was unethical because it was their only choice. They tried building up their strength normally and it clearly didn’t work in the second war, even when they had more witches, resources, and cities to work with. Instead, Natalia thought Akaris was crazy and attacked her, even if she had no idea what to do if the Devils came back.


    2. Another thing. A plan of sacrifice for the greater good only has meaning as a solution if it is completely voluntary. Somehow I didn’t see the witches at the table deciding to put the plan into action offering their lives and blood to make God Punishment soldiers. This kind of plan was inevitably going to lead to either the devils winning or the witches getting oppressed and for hundreds or thousands of years (if not forever). Basically the witches weren’t going to win in either scenario. Shear lunacy to go with that plan when there are at least 400 years to come up with another solution.


      1. If the 3 transcendents are still alive. I dont see humans winning against them even if a thousand of them. BTW as said transcendents are the evolved form of exceed so much stronger than Ash. And it is also said that 400yrs ago they used magic stones which enable flights and alot more like what Tilly used ( and the sword that illuminates that akaris used illustrated on the first illusion mayne saw). So most likely being oppressed by humans not gonna happen IF those transcendents didnt fight themselves and died.


      2. Triage is used in war by combat medics to decide who they can save, and who they can’t save, even if they tried. Otherwise they’d use their limited time and medical supplies on soldiers that’d die, even with help, leading to even more deaths, since soldiers that could’ve been saved, wouldn’t be. The same is true here. Akaris and her faction realized that they wouldn’t be able to save everyone when the Devils came back, even if every last soldier died trying to do so. Thus, they decided to prioritize the combat witches because even if every support witch was sacrificed, more witches would naturally be found among the mortal population. Witches are sterile, after all. If they do this and win, one day they’d be able to rebuild their society. If they don’t do this and lose, even more cities are destroyed and everyone eventually dies when they’re too weak to fight, combat witches, non-combat witches, and mortals included. Some people, like Natalia, decided that everyone dying together by throwing their resources into a plan that failed miserably during the Second War would be preferable to sacrificing the people they were trying to protect. Even if they were waiting for a breakthrough in technology to happen within the next 400 years, what would they do until then? What if this breakthrough happens 5 years before the war starts up again? Would they spend the remaining 395 years on a plan that failed to work before, when they were stronger?

        Sure the average witch might be oppressed until they win, if they win, but combat witches would still be secretly trained and sheltered by the Church to build up their army. Since the Church would secretly be controlled by the witches this entire time, if they won, they could slowly change the public’s perception of the witches after the war. It’s not like they liked this plan, but it was their only option that hasn’t been proven to be a monumental failure.


      3. Lol that moment when you realized the witches already tried that for 800 years prior to the creation of the church.
        Moral meaning has no value if no one lives to judge it and sacrificing the witches Was the best solution they had without the cheat like knowledge of roland


    3. *spoiler* problem is, the scenario where mortals and witches working together to find a solution has already happened in the first War of God’s Will, which was 800 years ago, and it did not end well, humankind was almost wiped out. As a wise man once said, don’t do the same thing over and over again expecting the same result, especially when it concern your kind’s survival and you don’t have a lot of chances


      1. “insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results” does not apply when you’re talking about something as broadly defined as “working together”. All the variables change in 400 years.

        That’s like… if you have a football team loses a game while working together so you decide that the best strategy going forward is to try an indiscriminate bare knuckle brawl at the next kickoff. Sometimes it’s the players, not the game.


        1. If there is no restriction and your team is horrible at playing actual football and is better at brawling, yes, that’s a valid strategy. How did all variables change? The only change I can see is them inventing the God Punishment Army and that’s it, without Roland nothing would have changed.


          1. Well all the players have changed, they’ve had years to set up their defenses differently… and they have a big magical siege tank now. Lots of changes.


    4. They were left with two Transcendents after two devastating wars that wiped out all but three cities in the Federation. After the first war, 400 years before Agatha was frozen, the Federation probably did everything it could to prepare for the next war, and without a strategy like “let’s sacrifice the witches for better soldiers”, they would’ve been able to build up the resources, time, and powerful witches you mentioned. Nonetheless, whatever strength they had before the second war wasn’t enough and they lost everything they prepared for 400 years in five years of fighting. Mortals didn’t have the strength to be anything but cannon fodder, and 9/10 witches weren’t suitable for combat. By sacrificing witches, they could make those 9/10 witches actually useful.

      In any case, they had magic schools to help their witches evolve, knowledge that was probably lost in the civil war or during the coup. It was a good plan, Akaris just didn’t expect literally everyone (the other 2 remaining cities) left in the Federation would form teams to fight her and each other over control of what’s left.


  8. Not quite seeing as they had already spent 400+ years before the first and second holy war trying to come up with a plan and failed to win the war. Doing the same thing again was fated to doom (at least in their eyes) so they took the only path they saw available. She of course did not mean for witches to remain oppressed for ever and the idea was to slowly recover their status after defeating the devils which would have been a slow difficult but achievable process if witches were still at the head of the church. It’s the betrayal of the humans, taking the lead positions in church that doomed witches.


    1. Nah what led them to be doomed are the War of faith were witches fight witches for their own beliefs. And yeah akaris didnt foresee that if all transcendents die and the next pope would be just a witch even if high class witch, would be easy for humans to dethrone.


    2. Lol ? Betrayel of humans? So you are saying that a slave should always obey his master? Fuck that the witches viewed humans as cannon fodder and inferior No human in power will chose to remain as inferior that archbishop that usurped the throne was simply logical and it was not betrayel or breaking an oath since the witches were always on top , you saw how the witch roland found treated him and before she knew he was in control even considered complaining to his master so that he would be Punished. And she was even considered as the leniant and open minded kind of witches who were more kind to humans , i say fuck that and your stupid if you chose to be serve someone who deemed you as inferior


    3. Im not saying humans should kill the witches im saying that they should Be Equal unlike what the old witches thought with thier condescending attitude that might have returned if the witches stood in the top of the church


  9. The witches were a true union in a sense. But they rightfully got mad when driven up against the wall and I cant really blame them, it sounded like a viable plan then.


  10. Sorry about this, but I hope that ALL members of the church to burn in hell with the founder of the church, cowards who decided to give up in their fight, and condemed so many generations to dead.


    1. they did not give up, they tried TWICE (War of God’s Will 1&2), failing both. It takes an insane amount of willpower to condemn your own kind as the only solution left to ensure future generation’s survival.


  11. Not gonna join in on the debates cuz too many sides to one coin. A dice? lol

    Thanks for the chapter!


  12. Soo.. in the end why is the church doing all this? for the land they lost? their so called holy land? they are sacrificing for the ‘greater good’ to get their land back, aka greed.

    decades of demonic beast attacks have shown that its not enough to wipe humanity off the map, nor does the red mist seem to go anywhere anytime soon. and thus humanity is fairly safe and new witches could have been safe to be born for decades.

    its all flawed and waste.


    1. The devil is what they fighting against, not demonic beast, which is just animal on steroid.
      “and thus humanity is fairly safe and new witches could have been safe to be born for decades.”
      The devil is growing in number at the same time, at happend before and it will happened again, they can’t afford to take it slow.


    2. to avoid extinction? It clearly stated, every time they are defeated they grow weaker. Next time they might not be so lucky. Saving your race is a very valid reason.


  13. Mmmmm i’m not 100% sure but the plan was viable after losing those other 2 wars, and without a Roland within the human side, still akali seems kinda dumb to me…


  14. So as I understand it they had a dire shortage of field-able personnel and decided to ‘fix’ the issue by starting a bloody civil war to try and mandate a draft instead of taking volunteers. . .

    Were they TRYING to sabotage themselves?


    1. 9 out of 10 witches are not combat witches, and even combat witches are not very effective at killing devils. Unless . How do you take volunteer? “Give us half of the blood in your body and die so that we can make an army to save ourselves. Please”. Can’t imagine it would be very effective.


      1. … and they expended the 1/10 combat witches they did have* with internal fighting. You get volunteers by explaining grim reality to people. You don’t challenge the foundations of a society’s hierarchy unless you want war. Ask the mortally injured, the old and the disabled for their last valiant contribution to the survival of the species. Lay your new foundation of social unity from the younger generation to sustain supply.

        * Many non combat witches as well, unless they were capturing them.

        … also I just realized two out of my two comments are targeted at the same person. Sorry, I’m not picking you out or anything, it’s just a coincidence. 😛


        1. You probably missed the part when Akaris specifically said that she’d try to reason with them before resorting to warfare. They just didn’t want to sacrifice their power for the sake of the continuation of their species.


  15. I now hate both the Church and the Witches 400+ years ago, it’s clear that the witches back then saving mankind was just to produce more Witchkind until they find a way to breed themselves without mankind like men having magic powers like the female witch too.


  16. Church sacrificing witches from right to left for centuries failing to make a dent on the devils…
    mean while
    in a year, Roland (A.K.A. “Ghandy”) is makin nukes~


  17. it’s not the witch who hunts their own kind. it’s the ordinary mortals who hunts the witches. :/


  18. While reading through these comments I realised that most people didn’t realise these two points:
    A. The human usurpers were the one to implement the slogan of “witches were evil” not Akaris she just dissolved the witch superiority.
    B. Normal people weren’t slaves, they were somewhat discriminated against but it was more akin to how women used to be treated (unable to own properties, can’t get certain jobs, was seen as more ignorant than men/witches). They weren’t treated the same as how witches are treated now.

    So the normal humans are in no way justified in what they did.


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