Status update

First of all, not dead, not yet at least.

Some days ago I got sick, as many of you already know. One day, suddenly I went to the toilet and peed blood, which as per common sense, scared the crap out of me. Some hours later, I started to feel escalating pain in the lower right side of my back, to the point I could barely remain standing. I was literally rolling on the floor (not laughing) in pain. So I went to the hospital and got diagnosed with kidney stones, a crystal variant, not the rounded calcium ones. These stones (crystals) break apart and move down until you pee them.

It hurts, it hurts like nothing else. I honestly thought I was dying.

Anyway, I was in the hospital for a couple days, then, when I came home I decided to translate a couple chapters, fresh out of the hospital. That was a mistake, I was supposed to rest for a week or so and return if blood appeared again. After the last two chapters I tl’d, the next day I started to feel bad again.

I believed it was because of the infection so I decided to just rest, but after two days I still kept feeling like shit, so I decided to go see the doctor again. I was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis, the doctor told me that since my immune system was overworking due to the blood in pee thing, I was susceptible to diseases and that was the reason I needed to rest, but I didn’t.

After that, I went to Discord to tell everyone there the news and after reading comments I decided to take their word and take proper rest.

Today was the last day of the medication, I feel healthy again (yay).

I’ll go back to translating in the next days. As you all know, I’m getting things ready to re-open the family business, but that stupid sickness delayed everything, I was supposed to open the store a few days ago but, well… I need to finish everything here and it will take a few more days, today I’ve been working since I woke up and I’m still here (12:48 past midnight), and i’ll probably still be working for a couple more hours.

I’m not dead, and I’m not dropping out of TLing, but I need to open the store before I can go back to translating again, so please, be a little patient. I’m sure very few people will still read me after I didn’t post anything for nearly two weeks, but for everyone still around, you have my thanks for understanding.


83 thoughts on “Status update

    1. Yea man Im glad your feeling better those stones are a HUGE PAIN, Whenever you start translating ill always be here to read you! love your style!


    2. Glad to know you got treatment, kidney stones are serious business.
      Hope you get well soon, this is wonderful work you’re doing here,
      ps; good luck and may god bless you with your family business

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Don’t worry. I was worried that something bad happen. But it is good to hear that you are better now.

    Still checking for update everyday and a lot more people still do the same as me.

    Fan of your work.

    You should read Overlord Light Novel it was good too.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yikes, glad to hear things are looking better now. Take it easy, we only have one of you :p.
    About the updates, I, for one, saw the ‘very sick’ tag on the right and figured you hadn’t simply stopped. I’m sure more reached the same conclusion.


  3. Take it easy, rest up and don’t worry about a thing. I still remember the reason you started this and when you started this. I’m here for the long run. 🙂


  4. Glad your out of the sickness

    Don’t over stress yourself we will still be alive if we don’t get our daily prescription of ReleasdThatWitch

    ❤ ❤ XO XO


  5. Glad to hear that you going better (and also keep translating), still rooting on here. Most of us understand condition of heath and financial condition is far important for you, so we don’t tantrums.
    PS thanks for your work, its happier than LNMTL alot


  6. Good that you’re getting better. Don’t worry about the hiatus, two weeks or so are nothing much.


  7. Don’t worry, there’re still plenty people who prefer your translation 🙂

    Those kidney stones really sound vicious…
    I hope I’ll never experience that one.


  8. Bro, take care, and maybe take it easy a little longer if you can. We’re still going to be here, and the shop’s not going to open itself. Handle your RL first, your waifus’ will understand.

    Kidney stones are no joke, just ask Mr. Paul Edgecombe and Mr. Joey Tribbiani 😉


  9. Honestly, I was worried as fuck for the past few days, goddammit. I started thinking shit like ‘did he already die?’ or something similar. On a serious note, congratulations for your recovery and thanks for your efforts of translation this far. Please take better care of your health dude.


  10. Tale care not to overwork yourself even if you feel healthy again. Take it slowly. Also please follow the doctors advice about changing your diet to prevent kidney stones.
    I will be waiting here for you to release again.
    Until then Seki. and keep taking good rests in between work.


    1. hy seki, how are you doing? I usually drop by here a few times a day so I decided to say ‘hello’.


  11. Please take your time, i will read RtW in here, i like yours.
    Thanks for the update…. ^_^


  12. Here is my two cents: Drink enough water to ensure oversaturation doesn’t happen (again).

    A helpfull tip to do this is just putting a large jug full of water on your desk/workspace.
    If you can reach it withouth standing up, it will be easy to drink a lot and you only have to refill the jug once in a long while.
    Be carfull with electronics though ^^.

    And lastly, just ensure your own life/health is back on track before coming back to us.


  13. No problem man. I admit that I miss the chapters but they mean nothing to the translaters health. Take your time to get better


  14. Thanks for the update. It means more than you think. Good luck with your store, and health. Luck is fickle though.. Drinking a lot of water is a realistic method for getting better, especially in your case. I would also suggest breathing excercises. (Just relax as much as possible and breathe deeply for a few minutes).


  15. Damn.
    Hope you get better.
    Sounds like a nightmare.

    Glad to hear you’re okay now.
    Prayers with you.
    Take care of yourself and take your time. The story ain’t worth your health.


  16. I’m still trying to overcome my needle phobia, so I can get a blood test😅
    You probably had to have a few tests yourself right?😌


  17. I was really starting to think that my pc had some problem, I enter here every day and when I couldn’t see the newest posts I started feeling worried. Anyway, you should think more about your health if you can’t translate, who will do it?!?!? (ง’̀-‘́)ง(ง’̀-‘́)ง


  18. God im happy you’re okay. I didn’t read anything from the others but was worried I might have to. Glad I don’t have to.


  19. I think you may already know that we are always checking your site at least once a day just to see if there is any update (just a status update is good news to me) and that may make you think that we are impatient but trust me, as much as I want you to update your chapters as soon as possible. Please, put yourself as the first priority especially your health. Because it is such a waste of talent if we force it only to regret it latter. Also, that sound so scary. I hope you get better soon.


  20. Ouch! You surely had a bad time.
    Happy to read you again Seki!
    Take care and go easy with the chaps; good luck for your family buisness.


  21. Happy to read you are back ! I’ll continue to read here, it’s way better. I hope you get better soon, your health is what’s the most important !


  22. DUDE I WAS LIKE THAT THE WHOLE FUCKING MONTH OF APRIL…. the only good thing i dont peed blood hope u get better and take care with ur food, maybe u got a diet, best regards Seki


  23. Great to hear you’re feeling better! Take your time and sort out your store, we’ll be here when you’re ready to get back in action. Most of us (if not all) came to you after waiting a whole lot more for Rox, while being completely in the dark. Knowing that you’re not well (and also not dead) is all we needed to know 😀 Looking forward to reading the next chapter when you’re ready! Don’t push yourself though, you don’t want to have a relapse by getting overenthusiastic after thinking you’re all over it 😛


  24. I suggest you drink tea or ice tea both have anti oxidants prevent build up of calcium in you kidney which leads to having kidney stones. if you drink water that works too but i noticed a lot of ppl hate drinking water you can drink mineral or vitamin water if that is better for you.


  25. Hope you can get your business sorted out mate. Keen for the next chapter and appreciate the update on whats going on.


  26. take it easy man. your job is awesome and we all love it. rest for a pair of days and go hospital if ot hurt so much, kidney stones arent a joke mas take care.

    thank you for the hard work


  27. I’ve been waiting patiently for you to release chapters again. I thought that maybe I should check in just now and was super happy to see that you are still planning to continue. Glad also to hear that you are feeling better!

    I’m waiting for your translations and will continue to do so so long as there remains hope. Your translations are worth the wait!


  28. My god…. Are you already good enough to move around? I think one of my relative also have same disease as you, and he need far more time to recover. Keep activity low until you fully recover to be safe


  29. I will wait faithfully. I will not stain my eyes with that vile filth they call a translation.


  30. NOOO, please don’t let this story be dead / don’t drop it.
    I can wait (afterall I already waited month for Roxer), but I reallly don’t want to do without my dose of RtW. I would mind if you increase the time in between the chapters but this would still be much prefered to getting none.


  31. I hope your ok Seki dun worry bout the translations get well first and foremost however long it takes.


  32. I’m glad I finally thought about clicking “home” on your wordpress instead of checking if you’d released anything new on Novel Updates like I do every other day.
    I dumbly though you had some kind of flu or something since I read that you were sick in the RtW comments, but now I know why it takes so long for you to get back to translating. I see you’re back on your feet. But don’t get lazy on resting just to feed us some witches, immunodeficiency is no joke.
    Hope your store openning went well, BTW


  33. Glad to know your feeling better, I was worried you got whacked by some jealous translating people or something… Also, I’m slightly curious, but do you happen to know the reason the crystals formed? It sounds painful and if anyone knows the cause I would like to know to avoid it. Hope you get and feel even better then you normally feel to make up for the suffering.


    1. I’m no expert on this but drinking at least 2 litres of liquids each day should be a good measure to prevent it.
      If the kidneys flush out the bad stuff regularly it shouldn’t get a chance to collect and condense into painful clumps.


  34. Thanks for the amazing work you have done
    I sincerely hipe you still healthy and well fed to this day


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