Thank you!

First of all, I’d love to thank everyone for your support, not only everyone who comes and read my translations, but to the staff behind it, they didn’t want to be named, but those of you in discord already know who they are. And also to the community of translators, I feel amazed by the warm welcome they all gave me, and the encouraging words and support I’ve been receiving from them.

I want everyone to remember this is a community, and despite the different works we translate, edit or proofread, everyone tries to support each other. So always remember to thank a translator when you read some of their work, because behind them is not only their staff, but the whole community. And they at the same time, are supporting other translators.

I’m still new, one of the new faces in the community, but if you continue reading me, I’ll continue translating.

This was supposed to be a short message to be saved for the note before the next chapter, but might as well post it since it is something I kind of wanted to share with some of you.

The time I decided to start translating, exactly one month ago, was sort of a difficult time in my life. I was diagnosed with severe depression with suicidal thoughts a while ago, and I’ve been in treatment ever since.

My psychologist gave me this “task” not long ago and I was having trouble completing it.

I’m sure some of are probably familiar with how depression works, either by experiencing it or knowing someone suffering from it, so you can understand that it is sometimes a difficult “disease” to overcome by yourself. So, I thought of giving it a shot to that task by starting a blog and translating every day, so that it could become some sort of habit, and help me with that task I was given.

Right now, I can say that it really has helped me overcome many hurdles and made my life a lot better. To be honest I never really believed such a mundane task like sitting in my computer could serve as a tool to slowly move forward with my life. And the ones that made that happen were all of you. This past month I’ve made so much progress in beating up depression that in retrospective it seems silly how low I had fallen. Of course, I still have work to do, still going to my sessions every week, but I honestly cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me, even if you were not aware.

Some people will probably use this to ridicule or make fun, but I still wanted to thank you all, for being such great readers and keeping me wanting to translate, helping me finding joy in learning a new language, and above all, for allowing me to re-discover the happiness in many aspects of my life.

Thank you.

P.S. Chapters tomorrow, I had to say it since it kind of seems like a good bye message, but it is not. I’m going to bed now.

64 thoughts on “Thank you!

  1. What? You haven’t gone to bed at this kind of time, at a damn 4 am? Are you a nocturnal?

    Well if you do some work it’s understandable tho…

    Anyways… Thanks for all your hardwork, you’ve done a great job y’know?
    And don’t ever think about suicide! If you live, you can do things, making it worse or making thing so fookin better! But the reason you still have to live is that you still do a damn things! But once you died, it’s all end, and you can’t do anything about it anymore


  2. You never know what might happen in your life and sometimes things become just shit. Thumbs up for moving forward 🙂


    1. But making a blog and translating as some kind of therapy?
      Never heard of that one.
      Seems do be doing wonders, though.
      Got to remember that method.


        1. Is it alright if I ask what kind of task that it?
          You have been mentioning this task several times without actually telling what it is and it made me curious.
          It’s alright if you don’t want to tell, though 🙂


        2. I probably dont have the right to say this as I am also the depress/suicidal s*it but life has its way around.thank you for this work though.


  3. Making fun of a ill person? What do you take this community for… oh well might happen but hey just ignore whoever says something about it, if anyone does…. it’s not our right to meddle in your affairs or to ridicule you.

    We are freeloaders after all… to say

    Thanks for the chapter and have a good nights rest.


    1. People shouldn’t criticize or ridicule others about stuff they’ve got no clue about in the first place.
      That’s just being stupid.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Send my regards to your Doctor because he or she made not only your life better, but ours too! Thanks and good luck 🙂


  5. Hi Seki,

    I’m not trying to comfort you, but this is based on myself. I also have depression few years ago. Yes, it was really hard, especially when you can’t find your worth’ and feel so empty within your heart. It was a difficult time for me, plus no one able to understands your situation. My mistake was I’m not going to meet a doctor at that time, but I was lucky because that time. This elderly WoW player in my guild was really nice and he help me to build my self slowly. He was like a fatherly figure to me, although he’s already pass away 2 years ago, I never miss visit his grave.

    What irony is, the person who help me are not related with my blood, different race and even religion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess you never know where the helpful help will come from before you receive it. (There are people who help, but it’s not always helpful help, if you see what I mean.)

      Both of you have demonstrated beautiful, very dear hearts in such a brief posting. No matter what, please try to take care of your you, and forgive yourself if you need to. Be kind to yourself. Best wishes.


  6. Eu que agradeço meu amigo, por você dedicar um pouco do seu tempo para levar essa história maravilhosa a tantas pessoas no mundo todo, um grande abraço do Brasil e desejo que supere sua depressão o mais breve possível.


  7. This may seem like a tangent, but I know that some people get very stressed when they find themselves unable to keep up with expectations. Just saying, you don’t have to keep putting out a chapter a day if you’re starting to feel burned out or busy. I love your translations, but staying healthy and sane takes top priority!

    Good luck in the future! Go kick depression in the ass!


  8. I’m an editor, not a translator, but eh, differences, differences, bah.

    I know how you feel. I’m under a constant battle with dysthymia, myself. I fight it by drowning myself in mundane tasks (and alcohol. Mostly mundane tasks) and along the way, became editor for RidwanTrans. While my experience isn’t similar to yours in that I didn’t find strength with the people that support my work (I get it from people who appreciate my hard work in games bla bla bla. And alcohol), I still did get it from people who care. And please, always keep in mind that you are doing work that thousands of people, lurkers or not, are extremely thankful to you for. Like I mentioned in one of my past comments, I actually know people who’ve had “RtW withdrawal symptoms” (like me. Thank goodness there was alcohol), and you then appeared, like our light amidst the darkness of Roxy’s inactivity.

    So then, thanks. On behalf of my small, local community of RtW fans, thanks.

    Now, where’s our chapter?
    O AO)???

    Liked by 2 people

  9. It’s great that we, readers, able to help you to overcome your disease. I’ve been passive reader (I just started reading light novel since one and half year) but when I read your post, I am really want to say, at least, thank you, not only to you but all translator community who have given amazing world to explore.


  10. I give you a metaphorical hug *pats metaphorical back of Seki*
    “There, there…”
    Thanks a lot. You’re doing great.
    *steals metaphorical wallet*

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you too seki-san for your all you had done for the community. Rest assured that us (readers) will always be here whenever you need us.


  12. Thank you for all your hard translation work. Depression is a b*tch but know that everyone here is cheering for you.


  13. Translating a novel for therapy? A little bit suspicious, I dare say your therapist might be one of RTW’s reader and he’s tricking you into translating the novel. but hey, all’s well that ends well…


  14. Thank you very much, thank you for all your hard work, we really appreciate it, Only sending you good vibes and wonderful feelings, Keep moving forward or rest a while, no pressure no stress, dont overwork yourself doing this project, If we learned anything from Roxxer its to go at a pace you can do not one that is expected. Stay positive and when it starts to feel a bit much let it go for a while, throughout all this think of yourself first and the rest can follow after.

    Thank you very much!!


  15. Life without Release that Witch was quite boring, so thanks a lot for picking it up. Though the refresh button on my computer most probably will not thank you! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  16. We appreciate your work. I appreciate you. You, are the source of great interest and happiness to many. Your efforts are not in vain.


  17. Lol, i thought i was a good bye, don’t scare me please, i have weak heart XD

    Thank you to you too, my daily life getting better everytime i see some chapters to read, personally i have some mild depression symptoms too, but having things to read everyday (books, novels, etc) keeping me from falling.


  18. I want to say thank you very much for the translation .k Unfortunately, I can not fully appreciate the translation. I do not know English, But I’m very glad that you translate very often, it’s satisfying my admiration. This work I really enjoyed and I hope that you will continue to please me, I apologize for my selfishness. And forgive me for my English 🙂


  19. the choice between your work and qi …you win 🙂 keep up the good work i know it need a little polishing but i can love with that and good luck 🙂


  20. I saw a RtW post by Quidian and then this post. My heart almosy stopped. Good idea of you to include that last statement.
    Good that TLing is helping you and I hope you are having fun doing it.


  21. Sharing your thoughts is a sign of courage. Thank you for lightning fast translations, we really appreciate it.


  22. C’mon people, support the shit out of Seki on his patreon, if we reach the 400 goal he should be able to go with his inital release tempo of 2 chapters a day as well! Crush Qidian!


  23. You re the one we ought to thank ! Thank you for your hard work and your efforts ! And those who try to mock you for posting this messages are just idiots. They dont know how to appreciate such a message of happiness ^^
    Keep up. You ve already improved so much in a month. I hope you keep this as a habit so we can enjoy your great translations !


  24. You got a lurker like me to post.
    Thanks for all the work, I appreciate it.
    Everyday i refresh the site several times hoping for a new chapter.
    There are a lot of people reading and enjoying your hobby, keeo it up.
    Thank you.


  25. Usually I just lurk around read and run being the forever leecher I am, but reading this note makes me feel really appreciated for your dedication, both in translating this novel and fighting against your depression.
    Thank you for all the hard work. Keep it up man.


  26. Thank you for your hard work, you make my life a little bit more interesting with your translations, good to hear it has made your life better too. Good job with the translations and know that for me at least, you’re making a difference in my life.


  27. Wait?! This translation has staff?! I though you were a one man army.
    Well I f so I guess that means thank you very much guys, for bringing us this wonderful story!
    Seki, just as you feel that you think you are being helped by us reader’s support. You actually do the same by picking up this novel. This novel is just too good to be left alone. We really appreciate and feel gratitude that sometimes a simple thanks was never enaugh. Sometimes people had a bad day and I bet that Everytime that a chapter had been updated. It always never fail to cheer us up!
    Well anyway. Just wanna tell you that. Keep healthy.


  28. Well, I’m a bit too late but thank you for being the first person I search for when I wake up (chapters are released in morning).

    I really hope you overcome your depression (actually you already did). I really do. But the therapies always made me think. My psychologist asked me to contribute to open-source softwares to fight depression a few months ago (maybe cuz I like coding). Talk about being wierd.


  29. To people that don’t know or understand depression it can be understood easily like this.
    Let’s say:
    100 – the base rate for normal people
    100 is your baseline. It makes you feel like you are okay, doing well, or whatever. You feel fine mentally.
    When you feel bad your number can dip to let’s say 80 or if you feel so sick that you are in bed 20-30
    Now people with severe depression are constantly at levels like 30-40. They can function but not really well if it isn’t things they really love to do.

    How is this cured? Well most people are prescribed drugs to deal with a “chemical imbalance” of different brain receptors.
    Another (and I believe better) way, is talk therapy (getting things off your chest, talking about live goals and having deep and serious conversations with a psychologist helps. It isn’t embarrassing to seek help either.

    So when some people take a drug to make them feel like they are at 100 and feel normal.. It doesn’t, in my opinion, help the situation because it doesn’t go after the underlying problem (honestly imo it’s like putting a bandaid on a gushing wound). For some people this does help them feel like they are normal and whole again. However once your mind becomes used to taking that drug everyday you will feel that you need it thus you see drug dependency.

    I think focusing on things that you love to do helps your psyche a lot. I also feel that talking with someone who will listen, gives proper feedback and tells you the truth is the best path to go and that is usually with a psychiatrist.

    So I say that to you Seki, good luck.. Have fun translating.. I’m sure that if you reach out to people like RWX, Etvolare and other translators they can help you out with your translations. Don’t let the haters get you down, take constructive criticism as constructive, and stay strong. It isn’t silly that something like being at a computer translating a really good novel is helping improve your life, mind and spirit.

    If you ever have suicidal thoughts again, in light of the recent death of my favorite singer Chester Bennington, I recommend going to if you are in the US.

    If not where ever you are.. May you get someone to talk to there.


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